


NSCA Foundation Assistantship

Are you a young professional looking to broaden your knowledge and career horizons by working with a professional strength and conditioning coach? Apply for the NSCA Foundation Assistantship!

The NSCA Foundation offers up to five assistantships each year to qualified candidates. Candidates who are awarded an assistantship will have an opportunity to work closely with, and be mentored by, an experienced strength and conditioning coach who has earned the NSCA Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach  (RSCC)  distinction.

Items reviewed by the NSCA Foundation Coaching Advancement & Assistantship Committee include: Grades/GPA, Courses Completed, Overall Academic Achievement, Strength and Conditioning Experience, NSCA Involvement, Honors and Awards, Community Involvement, 2 Essays that are based on clarity, expression, goals, lucidity, grammar, and articulateness and Recommendations. 

Each recipient will be awarded a $10,000 stipend over a 5-month period for completing 40 hours a week. 

"The assistantship program was essential in my growth and development, and prepared me for the opportunity to pursue a career in college strength and conditioning."
Grant Geib, Assistantship Alumni

"It continued the my journey by building on my knowledge and understanding of strength and conditioning, while letting me learn and work with top coaches within the industry. It helped to guide me on how to handle myself in future roles and to continue to grow within the field."
James Malechek, Assistantship Alumni 



The purpose of the Assistantship Program is to link qualified CSCS-certified strength and conditioning specialists with experienced coaches to help develop the next generation of strength and conditioning professionals. This is an excellent opportunity for a college graduate to gain practical, applied experience in strength and conditioning while learning from a highly skilled and educated mentor. Additionally, the Assistantship program is an exceptional vehicle for the established strength and conditioning professional to access qualified apprentices.

The NSCA Foundation offers up to five assistantships each year to qualified candidates. Candidates who are awarded an assistantship will have an opportunity to work closely with, and be mentored by, an experienced strength and conditioning coach who has earned the NSCA Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach (RSCC) distinction.

Each recipient will be awarded a $10,000 stipend over a 5-month period for completing 40 hours a week.

We are often asked by Coaches, "How do I get my name on the list to have an Assistantship Recipient at my facility?" Within the application, applicants are provided a link to the NSCA's RSCC webpage where they identify their 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice RSCC Coach they would like to work with. It is up to the applicant to decide where they want to be placed, and whom with. We do not place the applicant, the applicant tells us where they want to go. Unfortunately, there is no list to put your facility on to. If you are an RSCC, then you are already on the list that is provided for the applicants to select from. If you have any further questions, please email us at 

“Take advantage of the once in a lifetime opportunities the NSCA Foundation offers to advance yourself. Being able to coach full time has strengthened my confidence and skillsets to pursue more opportunities in the future. The NSCA Foundation gave me an opportunity to grow and develop into an example of what is possible for women in coaching and research.” - Danielle Sterner, MS, CSCS, 2020 NSCA Foundation Assistantship Recipient

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Qualifications & Important Dates

Candidates chosen to be part of this program should demonstrate high levels of academic achievement and show a focus in the field of strength and conditioning. The following criteria will be considered when awarding assistantships:

  • Applicants must have completed a graduate or undergraduate strength and conditioning curriculum from an accredited college or university 
  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens 
  • Applicants have graduated from their undergraduate or graduate degree within the past 5 years. 
  • Applicants should be involved in the strength and conditioning field. Work and/or volunteer experience as an assistant strength and conditioning coach will be considered
  • Applicants must possess current certification as a National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
  • Applications must possess a current CPR Certification 
  • Applicants must be current members of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (student or professional membership) 
  • Applicants must not be a RSCC 
  • Applications must be completed via the application portal (no paper copies or emails will be accepted)
  • Previous Assistantship recipients are not eligible to apply 


  • Process

    Round 1: Application

    • Applications reviewed/graded by Coaching Advancement & Assistantship Committee Members               
    • Applications that fall below the median grade will not move forward on to Round 2
    • Applications must be fully completed and submitted for consideration 
      • Application questions/requirements include Membership Number, CSCS Number, Resume, CPR Certificate, Transcripts, three RSCC Preferences (applicants will select their United States-based RSCC preferences from the NSCA's RSCC registry *International positions are not available at this time) 3 Professional Recommendations, Education History, Employment History, Athletic Experience, Public Speaking/Authorships and completion of 2 essays. 

    Round 2: Video Submission 

    • Applicants will submit a 3-minute video of the coaching a variation of an Olympic Lift and a 3-minute video of them coaching a back squat
    • Videos will be reviewed/graded by Coaching Advancement & Assistantship Committee Members. Areas of review will be: organization (provide a clear         objective, teaching sequence and time), presence (body language and setting) and Communication (voice, terminology, coaching communication style and execution)
    • Applications who fall below the median video scoring will not move forward on to Round 3 

    Round 3: Interview 

    • The final applicants remaining will be scheduled for a 30-minute phone interview.

     Round 4: Final Decisions 

    • The Coaching Advancement & Assistantship Committee Members will determine the final awardees based on applicant interviews.                         

    Applications will be accepted and reviewed by the NSCA twice a year. 

Applications will be accepted and reviewed by the NSCA twice a year. 

Cycle 1
Applications accepted March 2-October 1 (through 12pm MTN) annually
Placement for Assistantship: January-May 

Cycle 2
Applications accepted October 2-March 1 (through 12pm MTN) annually
Placement for Assistantship: August-December 

The NSCA Assistantship program is not designed to serve as a ‘double dipping’ financial opportunity. Applicants may not:

  • Be already currently employed with their RSCC requests
  • Receive additional compensation from the company/organization/academic institution on top of the NSCA Assistantship stipend ($2,000 a month/$10,000 total)
  • Assistantship Recipients
    Month/Year First Last
    4/2006-7/2006 Kristi May
    4/2006-12/2006 Eric Rinefierd
    4/2006-12/2006 Brandon Schlotthauer
    4/2006-8/2006 John Spurlock
    8/2006-12/2006 Bethany Gainey
    7/2006-7/2007 Kimberly Pinske
    1/2007-12/2007 Eric Gibbons
    1/2007-3/2007 Suzanne Snyder
    1/2007-12/2007 James White
    8/2007-7/2008 Adam Maronde
    8/2007-7/2008 David Kapping
    10/2007-3/2008 Harold Rowald
    2/2008-11/2008 Kaitlin Sweeney
    04/2008-7/2008 Douglas Briggs
    8/2008-7/2009 Daniel Rickaby
    8/2008-6/2009 Kevin Schultz
    8/2008-7/2009 Alexander Guice
    8/2008-5/2009 Adam Banwarth
    1/2010-12/2010 Albert Harrison
    1/2010-12/2010 Eric Wiatt
    1/2010-12/2010 Kevin Wisham
    5/2010-4/2011 Angela Dendas
    5/2010-4/2011 Ryan Poulin
    1/2011-12/2011 Brian Charity
    1/2011-12/2011 Lew Porchiazzo
    1/2011-12/2011 Grant Stewart
    6/2011-5/2011 Benjamin Hoffman
    6/2011-5/2011 Grant Geib
    1/2012-12/2012 Emily Enos
    1/2012-12/2012 Jonathan Mangel
    1/2012-12/2012 John Mcgee
    6/2012-5/2013 Jeremy Trach
    6/2012-5/2013 Steven Mason
    1/2013-12/2013 Ronald Dickson
    1/2013-12/2013 Katlyn Haycock
    1/2013-12/2013 Alice Read
    6/2013-5/2014 James Stitz, Jr
    6/2013-5/2014 James Walters
    1/2014-12/2014 Paul Cipriano
    1/2014-12/2014 Lexie Dulkis
    1/2014-12/2014 Trevor Klump
    6/2014-5/2015 Dennie Wise IV
    6/2014-5/2015 Bret Miguz
    1/2015-12/2015 Benjamin Servais
    1/2015-12/2015 Daniel Trautman
    1/2015-12/2015 Matthew Murphy
    6/2015-5/2016 Caitlin Prottas-Finn
    6/2015-8/2015 Steven Woodworth
    10/2015-12/2015 Adam Smith
    1/2016-12/2016 Ronald Arellano, Jr
    1/2016-12/2016 Paul Moquin
    1/2016-12/2016 Kelly Auner
    6/2016-5/2017 James Malechek
    6/2016-5/2017 Adam Garner
    6/2016-1/2017 Aubrey Jean
    1/2017-7/2017 Casey Callison
    1/2017-9/2017 Jenee Lange
    6/2017-5/2018 Sabrina Murphy
    6/2017-5/2018 Donald Trapp
    6/2017-5/2018 Paula Costa
    1/2018-12/2018 Gayfield  Tommy 
    8/2018-12/2018 Cody  Stahl
    1/2019-5/2019 Benito  Cecenas
    8/2019-12/2019 Paul Woelmer
    8/2019-12/2019 Shannon Smith
    1/2020-5/2020 Jenna Werking
    1/2020-5/2020 Danielle Sterner
    1/2020-5/2020 Regina Stump 
    8/2021-12/2021 Kevin  Long
    9/2021-1/2022 Cornel Johnson
    2/2022-6/2022 Amber Rummell
    8/2022-12/2022 Dieanna Prudholme
    1/2023-5/2023 Philip Bates
    1/2023-5/2023 Haley  Marquardt

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