Learn about the various categories of CEU opportunities the NSCA accepts and details about CEU activities.
There are specific categories of CEU activities the NSCA will accept. These categories exist to ensure individuals gain knowledge in a variety of ways. The table below will help you determine the number of CEUs required. For tips to help you navigate recertifcation view the Recertification Planning Tool >>
ORIGINAL CERTIFICATION DATE (Shown on certificate) |
Before 2021 | 6.0 | 5.5 | 4.0 | 5.5 | 4.0 |
During 2021 | 4.0 | 3.5 | 3.0 | 3.5 | 3.0 |
During 2022 | 2.0 | 1.5 | 1.0 | 1.5 | 1.0 |
January 1, 2023 to June 30, 2023 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 |
July 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Attending clinics, conferences, seminars, workshops, or live-streamed events. The content provided must be related to the scope of practice and/or be consistent with the DCO for the NSCA certification held.
Advance your career and connections while earning CEUs by attending an NSCA Event.
What Qualifies | Attending NSCA conferences, clinics, livestreams, or live webinars
Advance your career and connections while earning CEUs by attending an event hosted by another organization.
What Qualifies | Attending an in-person or virtual (not pre-recorded) event, such as: conferences, clinics, livestreams, live webinars.
Get CEUs for speaking at an event or on a panel, being published, or volunteering with the NSCA.
Help advance the strength and conditioning profession while earning CEUs by volunteering and contributing to the NSCA.
What Qualifies | Participation in one of the following capacities:
Contribute to the advancement of the strength and conditioning profession, while earning CEUs when you share your knowledge and skills as a presenter.
What Qualifies | Participation as a speaker or panelist at a clinic, conference, seminar, workshop, etc.
Advance the strength and conditioning profession while earning CEUs when you share your knowledge in a publication.
What Qualifies | Authoring or co-authoring published articles, abstracts, books, or chapters in books.
Further your education and knowledge to gain CEUs through activities like First Aid, Internships, college courses, and more.
Be prepared to help adults and children during an emergency by participating in a first aid certification program.
What Qualifies | Obtain or renew your first aid certification
Popular providers include:
CPR and AED certification renewals are a requirement for certification and do not qualify for CEUs.
BLS (Basic Life Support) courses requires documentation that first aid is included.
Keep a copy of First Aid your certificates in case of audit
Continue to expand your knowledge and earn CEUs by passing post-certification college coursework.
What Qualifies | Successfully complete post-certification college-level courses that fall within the scope of practice or is consistent with the DCO for the NSCA certification held. Courses must be completed during the current recertification cycle. The maximum per course is 2.0 CEUs.
The scope of practice will include areas that are covered on the NSCA exam, depending on which certification you hold for example; Anatomy, Physiology, Biomechanics, Kinesiology, Health/Wellness, Sport Psychology, Client Consultation and Assessment, Program Planning, Techniques of Exercise, Safety, Emergency Procedures and Legal Issues, Basic Nutrition, Special Populations, etc. Areas of study that DO NOT count include, but are not limited to, Surgery, Diagnosing, Radiology/Imaging, Business, Marketing, Finance, Statistics, etc.
Get hands-on professional experience through internships and earn CEUs at the same time.
What Qualifies | Complete a 150-hour non-academic credit-granting internship relevant to strength and conditioning or personal training.
The NSCA offers internships in its state-of-the-art performance center located at the NSCA headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO. This is a great prospect for young professionals who want a better understanding of strength and conditioning while being exposed to a wide variety of athletes, clients, and coaches.
Elevate your credibility even further with another NSCA certification.
What Qualifies | Get an additional NSCA Certification that you do not currently hold.
Expand your credentials with other accredited certifications.
What Qualifies | Pass a certification exam offered by a fitness, sport, or exercise nutrition organization currently accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA).
Increase your knowledge and skills by taking home study courses offered by third-party organizations.
What Qualifies | Successfully completing a pre-approved home study course through another organization
Keep yourself up-to-date on strength and conditioning knowledge and industry research
What Qualifies | Any activity undertaken to stay current with your NSCA certification that does not fit into another category.
Test your knowledge and gain CEUs when you take an NSCA Quiz or assessment.
Test your knowledge and gain CEUs by passing a quiz from the NSCA.
What Qualifies |Earn a passing score on any NSCA or USADA Quiz