


NSCA Exam Prep Live Clinics

Are you looking for assistance in studying and preparing for the NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exam? Check out NSCA Exam Prep Live Clinics! These in-person educational clinics are a review of the most challenging content on the exams and are offered in two formats: 2-Day and 3-Day options with a blend of classroom lectures and some hands-on training.

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 NSCA Exam Prep Live Clinic

CSCS Exam Preparation Live Clinics

Exam Prep Live Clinics are offered by the NSCA for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). These clinics can benefit anyone regardless of where you are in your preparation.

Kevin Keating

 “Just passed my CSCS exam! I highly recommend a live exam prep clinic. I only went to scientific foundations portion but my scaled score went from 66 to 91. It was a great help in clarifying things. Don't hesitate to attend. Well worth the money.”

Autumn Marie Lockwood

 “I PASSED!!!!!! I definitely 100% recommend going to the Exam Prep Live Clinic if it comes to a city near you! It helped hearing it all out loud and they broke it down super well. This group also helped a lot! If you have questions, definitely don’t be afraid to ask in the group!! Good luck to all the future CSCS takers!!!!"

The Exam Prep Live Clinics are designed to provide an engaging and interactive learning environment that moves participants forward in their preparation for the exam.

These clinics provide the following:

  • A narrowing of focus for exam preparation.
  • Identification and overview of the primary content emphasized on the exam.
  • Guidance by qualified professionals on how to analyze and apply the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to practice as a professional.
  • Identification of key preparation and test-taking strategies.
  • Opportunities to ask questions and seek clarification of the content presented.
  • The NSCA EP Live workbook with additional practice questions. (NSCA EP exclusive, not available for retail sale)
  • The 2 and 3-day options also include a practical session in the weight room depending upon the location.

When should I plan to attend an Exam Prep Live Clinic?

The Exam Prep Live Clinics have been identified as beneficial at any point of time in your preparation.

  • Just starting preparation? The breadth and depth of the study materials can be overwhelming. The Exam Prep Live Clinic will help you narrow down your focus and provide guidance to the process.
  • In the middle of preparation? Are you on track with your preparation or losing focus? The Exam Prep Live Clinic can help you get back on track and provide continued guidance.
  • Nearly ready for the exam? The Exam Prep Live Clinics can help identify any gaps in your knowledge, skills, or abilities and provide clarification of challenging aspects.

Clinic Descriptions

Exam Prep Live Clinics are offered in two formats: 2-Day, and 3-Day options with the primary focus being an engaging and interactive lecture session. Industry professionals provide a comprehensive review of the knowledge, skills, and abilities identified in the CSCS Detailed Content Outline. Attendees are provided workbooks containing the presentations, study tips, and the opportunity to seek clarification of the information presented during the clinic.  Additional details of the different clinics are as follows:

2-Day Exam Prep Live Clinic (In-person and Online)

The 2-Day Exam Prep Clinic is offered as in-person clinics or via an online format. In-person clinics include a 1-hour hands-on session in the weight room allowing for increased clarification of exercise techniques. 

Note: As the CSCS is comprised of 2 exams sections, Scientific Foundations and Practical/Applied, individuals can opt for a single-day session:

  • Day 1 - Scientific Foundations
  • Day 2 - Practical/Applied

View a sample CSCS 2-Day Exam Prep Schedule

3-Day Exam Prep Live Clinic
The 3-Day CSCS Exam Prep Clinic is offered at NSCA Headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colorado. This clinic has been developed to allow more time for clarification of information for all attendees and for those individuals who do not have a degree in an exercise-related field, who have been out of school for some time, or who have had limited exposure to the specific job settings. This clinic also includes an expanded hands-on session inclusive of not only exercise techniques, but testing.

View a sample CSCS 3-Day Exam Prep Schedule

If you have additional questions about Exam Prep Live Clinics please contact us at

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