


National Strength and Conditioning Association Announces 2022 Election Results

July 8, 2022

Colorado Springs, CO — The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) announces the results of its 2022 Board of Directors elections, as voted on by NSCA Members. These chosen individuals, nominated for their dedication and contributions to the Association and greater strength and conditioning community, will shape the future of the NSCA.

The Members elect Jay Dawes, PhD, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, TSAC-F,*D, FNSCA and Disa Hatfield, PhD, CSCS,*D to join the NSCA Board.

Additionally, the Members elect John F. Graham, MS, CSCS,*D, RSCC*E, FNSCA and James Tufano, PhD, CSCS,*D to the Nomination Committee.

Jay Dawes PhD, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, TSAC-F,*D, FNSCA, is an Associate Professor of Applied Exercise Science in the Department of Kinesiology, Health and Recreation at Oklahoma State University. Dr. Dawes has worked as a university athletic performance coordinator, strength/performance coach, personal trainer, and educator for over 20 years. Additionally, he also worked as the Director of Education for the NSCA from 2007–2010 and served on the NSCA BOD executive council from 2016–2019 as both Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer. While he still conducts research in the area of sports performance, his primary research interests are focused on improving the health, fitness and human performance for tactical athletes/first responders. In 2021, Dr. Dawes was recognized by the NSCA as the Tactical Strength and Conditioning Professional of the Year for his contributions in this area.

Disa L. Hatfield, PhD, CSCS,*D is currently an Associate Professor and Department Chair at the University of Rhode Island in the Department of Kinesiology. Dr. Hatfield is certified by the NSCA as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with Distinction and has served on the NSCA’s Education Committee, Research Committee and Nomination Committee, as well as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Her research is multidisciplinary and focuses on strength and conditioning, athletic performance, nutrition and supplementation, perception of exercise, exercise endocrinology and non-nutritional ergogenic aids. Dr. Hatfield’s 60+ published research articles and numerous book chapters emphasize how these factors interact and are affected by resistance training and exercise across the lifespan. Additionally, Dr. Hatfield worked both as a strength and conditioning coach and as a personal trainer in the private sector. She is formerly a 3-time U.S.A.P.L. National Champion Powerlifter, I.O.C. World Games athlete, 2-time American Bench Press record holder and former head coach for the Men’s Pan American Powerlifting team.

John Graham, MS, CSCS,*D, RSCC*E, FNSCA is the Senior Network Administrator for Fitness & Sports Performance at St. Luke's University Health Network in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. John has served as an adjunct professor at multiple colleges and universities. He is a Fellow of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Registered Strength & Conditioning Coach. He served as a member of the NSCA Board of Directors from 2001–2003 and served as Vice President in 2002 and Secretary/Treasurer in 2003. John served on the NSCA Certification Committee from 2010–2017 and as Chair from 2012–2017. John served on the Conference and Education Committee from 1993–1993 and as Chair from 2004–2009. John was the editor for the Exercise Technique Column in the NSCA Strength & Conditioning Journal from 2000–2011. He has served as an associate editor for the NSCA Strength & Conditioning Journal from 2008–Present. John has authored or contributed to local, regional and national peer reviewed and lay publications on chronic disease & disability management, health, fitness and sports conditioning. He has given local, regional, national and international presentations on chronic disease & disability management, health, fitness and sports conditioning for several organizations. He coordinates, designs and implements exercise prescriptions for athletes, fitness, and chronic diseased and disabled populations. He has been recognized by local, regional and national organizations for his contributions to fitness & sports performance.

James Tufano, PhD, CSCS,*D. A few words from James: I’ve been an active NSCA member since before I was eligible to take the CSCS exam as an undergraduate student. I remember reading the JSCR and admiring what I read, most of which was written by the original class of NSCA Fellows. I recall, naively, making it a personal goal to be able to contribute to the field of Strength and Conditioning Science in a similar manner. Yet, years later, I realize it’s impossible to reach the level of importance that was demonstrated by those early seminal works. Nevertheless, I’ve transitioned from having my hand held in the laboratory to doing independent research of my own to supervising dozens of research students around the world. As a result of this scientific teamwork, I was fortunate enough to win the Terry J. Housh Young Investigator award in 2021. Even more fortunate, the number of friendships I’ve made throughout the years (in large part thanks to the NSCA) continues to exceed my publication record. These relationships are, in my opinion, the most unique and important aspect of the NSCA. We have scientists mingling with practitioners, many of whom do not place themselves in a single camp. Similarly, I’m happy to be able to communicate with friends (old and new) on both polar ends and everywhere in between. Realistically, this “personal bio” wouldn’t exist without the NSCA, so being part of the Nominations Committee would help me help my fellow members by promoting the right people for the right roles within our organization.

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About the National Strength & Conditioning Association
Founded in 1978, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is a nonprofit association dedicated to advancing the strength and conditioning and related sport science professions around the world.

The NSCA exists to empower a community of professionals to maximize their impact through disseminating evidence-based knowledge and its practical application by offering industry-leading certifications, research journals, career development services, networking opportunities, and continuing education. The NSCA community is composed of more than 60,000 members and certified professionals throughout the world who further industry standards as researchers, educators, strength and conditioning coaches, performance and sport scientists, personal trainers, tactical professionals, and other related roles.

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