


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Announces 2022 Tactical Strength and Conditioning Award Winners

August 18, 2022

Colorado Springs, CO – The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is proud to announce the winners of the organization’s 2022 Tactical Awards. Each year, these distinguished awards honor individuals who have made significant contributions to the tactical strength and conditioning community. Each of the award win-ners will be formally recognized at the NSCA’s Tactical Annual Training, which will be held August 23-26, 2022, in San Antonio, Texas.

The NSCA is honored to announce Joseph R. Kelleher, CSCS, TSAC-F has been selected as the 2022 Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year. This award recognizes the coach whose influence within his or her assigned military, law enforcement, or fire and rescue setting exceeds that of peers. Such influence may be the result of coaching related accomplishments, such as measurable performance improvements or injury reduction, program creation, advancement through innovation, or other initiatives that enhance wellness, health, and per-formance at the local level.

Joseph "Reilly" Kelleher currently serves as the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER), Alaska. Mr. Kelleher is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator (TSAC-F) through the NSCA. Mr. Kelleher has spent the last 14 years work-ing for the Department of Defense as a civilian.

Mr. Kelleher has been at JBER Strength & Conditioning since its inception. Additionally, Mr. Kelleher attended and graduated the U.S. Army Cold Weather Orientation Course (CWOC) earning the Arctic tab, held at the Northern Warfare Center at Black Rapids, Alaska. Mr. Kelleher holds a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science with a minor in Athletic Training from Central Washington University.

“Coach Kelleher’s exceptional coaching and service to our nation’s service members is a prime example of what it means to be a Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach,” said Jason Soileau, NSCA Tactical Program Manager. “His work has helped the careers and lives of countless service members, and it is important to recognize profes-sionals like Coach Kelleher who exceed the standard and have a positive impact on the individuals who serve our nation and communities. NSCA Tactical sends tremendous congratulations to him for earning this very well-deserved award.”

The NSCA is equally honored to announce Robin Orr, PhD, TSAC-F,*D, has been selected as the Tactical Strength and Conditioning Professional of the Year. This award recognizes the coach, researcher, tactical professional, educator, or administrator whose influential contributions lead and advance the field with measurable and out-standing results.

Associate Professor Rob Orr served in the Australian Army for more than 23 years as an infantry soldier, Physical Training Instructor, uniformed physiotherapist, and human performance officer. Still serving in the Army Reserve, Dr. Orr is the Director of the Tactical Research Unit at Bond University, teaches the Doctor of Physiotherapy Pro-gram, and supervises masters and doctoral students doing research in tactical populations. Dr. Orr consults and provides research and educational services for law enforcement, military, and firefighter agencies across five continents. His interests range from initial training to the selection and training of specialist personnel, with a particular passion for tactical load carriage. Dr. Orr’s focus on providing pragmatic research to the tactical com-munity is evident in his 200-plus published research papers and technical reports on tactical populations.

“Dr. Rob Orr’s contributions to the field of tactical strength and conditioning are numerous and highly valued. He continues to demonstrate the qualities desired from a leader in our field,” said Jason Soileau, NSCA Tactical Pro-gram Manager. “Dr. Orr’s experience as a researcher, instructor, professor, and service member has provided valuable insight for thousands of tactical professionals and coaches and will continue to help shape the future of tactical human performance. NSCA Tactical extends immense congratulations to him for receiving this very well deserved award.”

For more information regarding the NSCA and its awards, please visit

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About the National Strength & Conditioning Association
Founded in 1978, The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is a nonprofit association dedicat-ed to advancing the strength and conditioning and related sport science professions around the world.

The NSCA exists to empower a community of professionals to maximize their impact through disseminating evi-dence- based knowledge and its practical application by offering industry-leading certifications, research jour-nals, career development services, networking opportunities, and continuing education. The NSCA community is composed of more than 60,000 members and certified professionals throughout the world who further industry standards as researchers, educators, strength and conditioning coaches, performance and sport scientists, per-sonal trainers, tactical professionals, and other related roles.

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