


Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Specialist

The Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation Specialist Award is given to a sports medicine professional whose work and contributions have significantly impacted the field of sports medicine or rehabilitation for athletes.

Congratulations to the 2020 winner!

Ben Reuter, PhD, CSCS,*D, ATC

Reuter is an Associate Professor in the Department of Exercise Science and Sport Studies at California University of Pennsylvania. He earned his undergraduate degree in Health and Physical Education, with an emphasis in Allied Health from Gettysburg College and his Master’s degree in Athletic Training from Old Dominion University. He completed his PhD in Exercise Physiology at Auburn University. Reuter has been a member of the NSCA since 1988, and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) since 1990.

View Reuter's Press Release.

Award Eligibility

NSCA Membership
Consecutive membership for 2 years*
NSCA Certification
Licensure (AT, PT, MD, DO, DC)
Cover letter, resume or CV, and criteria worksheet received
Award Not Previously Received

*Consecutive membership is counted back from the date the award is to be conferred.

Additional requirements listed in the General Awards Criteria, include but not limted to, nominee must be nominated by a member in good standing and nominees will be sent a criteria sheet to fill out that must be returned before the required deadline. 

Past Award Recipients Include:

2020 - Ben Reuter, PhD, ATC, CSCS*D  Triplett and Reuter Sport Medicine Award
2019 - William J. Hanney, DPT, PhD, ATC, CSCS Dr. William Hanney 
2018 - Daniel Lorenz, DPT, PT, ATC/L, CSCS  Dr. Daniel Lorenz
2017 - Bill Holcomb, PhD, ATC, LAT, CSCS,*D, FNATA, FNSCA  Haff and Holcomb
2016 - Robert Panariello, MS, PT, ATC, CSCS  Haff and Panariello
2015 - Arianne Missimer, DPT, RD, FMS, RKC, TPI, CSCS  Missimer and Fleck
2014 - Morey Kolber, PT, PhD, OCS, Cert. MDT, CSCS  Fleck and Kolber
2013 - Terry Grindstaff, PhD, PT, ATC, SCS, CSCS,*D  
2012 - John P. McCarthy, PhD, CSCS,*D, FNSCA  
2011 - Greg Myer, PhD, CSCS  
2010 - Scott E. Lawrance, CSCS  
2009 - Danny McMillian, DPT, CSCS  
2008 - Jaynie Bjornaraa, PhD, MPH, PT, CSCS,*D  
2007 - Dan Wathen, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, FNSCA  
2005 - David Potach, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D  
2004 - Jeff Falkel, CSCS,*D  
2003 - Todd Ellenbecker, CSCS  
2002 - Jeff Fahrenbruch, MPT, CSCS,*D  
2001 - Donald Chu, PhD  

How are recipients selected?

1. The process for selection shall be as follows:
     a. Nominations must be received before the established deadline.
     b. NSCA Headquarters will verify eligibility requirements for nominees have been met.
     c. Qualified nominees will be notified.
          a. If there are no qualifying nominees, the award will not be given.
     d. Criteria sheets and supporting information will be sent to the Sports Medicine/Rehabilitation SIG Chair, unless the Chair is a nominee.
          a. The Chair will:
               1. Determine if any of the nominees are part of the current Executive Council.
                    a. If none are, the Chair will submit the top three nominees to the Council for vote. The Chair may participate in this vote.
                    b. If members of the Council have been nominated and rank in the top three, the Chair will create an impartial Task Force of five to vote on the winner. The Chair may not participate in this vote.
                         i. The Task Force will be comprised of >50% Chair selected NSCA members and <50% past award winners.
                         ii. Task Force composition should include membership from diverse professional and demographic backgrounds.
          b. If the Chair is a nominee:
               1. The top three nominees will be submitted to the Chair of the Membership Committee for committee vote.
                    a. If a member of the committee is a colleague, graduate or postdoc advisor or advisee, family member, or close collaborator of a nominee, then the member shall disclose this conflict to the remainder of the Committee and recuse himself or herself from service on the subcommittee of the award for which the individual is nominated and from voting for the finalists of that award should the individual be included, if applicable. Committee members may nominate applicants, but may not write supporting letters for nominees during their terms of service.
     e. The Chair will notify NSCA Headquarters and the Awards and Honors Committee Chair of winner. The Executive Council will not notify the selected recipient.

2. The Awards and Honors Committee Chair will:
     a. Notify the Board of Directors of the recipient.
3. NSCA Headquarters will:
     a. Notify the recipient of the award.
     b. Send regret notifications.
     c. Create a Press Release announcement of the winner.
     d. Will verify attendance at the National Conference awards banquet.

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