


Alvin Roy Award for Career Achievement

Alvin Roy helped establish strength and conditioning as an integral part of any training program. Roy was one of the first coaches to prove that lifting weights would improve both speed and power, and he helped debunk the myth that lifting weights made athletes slower. This esteemed award is given to an individual, 70 years of age or older, or posthumously, whose career achievements made a substantial impact on the scientific understanding, methodologies, or practice of resistance training as a component of sports conditioning. The NSCA Board of Directors carefully deliberates to select the recipient of this prestigious award.

We honor the 2022 recipient posthumously

Mike Greenwood, PhD, FNSCA, CSCS,*D, FISSN, FACSM

Dr. Mike Greenwood’s career spanned over forty years as a coach, teacher, researcher, administrator, and leader in many professional and service organizations. He began his career teaching high school physical education and coaching football, track, and basketball. Mike served as an assistant professor, baseball, and basketball coach at Hardin Simmons University. After completing his doctoral degree, he was as an associate professor and Head Baseball Coach at Barry University where he was named the 1995 Sunshine State Conference Baseball Coach-of-the-Year. Mike was tenured as a full professor at Arkansas State University and began collaborating with the Exercise and Sport Nutrition Lab (ESNL) at the University of Memphis. He continued as a research associate with the ESNL when it relocated to Baylor University where he served as a professor, and graduate coordinator. At Texas A&M University, Mike was a clinical professor, director of the West Point Faculty Development program, and continued as an ESNL research associate. During his career, Mike’s research focused on physical education, coaching, motor control, sport psychology, and professional development of strength and conditioning specialists. In collaboration with ESNL researchers and doctoral students, Mike’s research also included seminal work on creatine supplementation as well as significant research on the safety and efficacy of β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB), conjugated linoleic acids (CLA), ribose, nutrient timing, and many other nutritional interventions designed to optimize strength training and performance. Mike was CSCS,*D Certified and RSCC*D Credentialed. He contributed chapters related to facility management and safety for the NSCA’s Essentials of Strength and Conditioning textbook and wrote several sport nutrition–related books and contributed to several highly cited position stands published by the International Society of Sports Nutrition. He has more than 225 publications and 5,000 citations in the literature. Mike was also very involved in his professional organizations serving on over 50 state, regional, and national committees. His service to the NSCA, included service as the state director in Arkansas and Texas and a member of numerous committees (e.g., education committee, curriculum director for NSCA educational recognition programs, committee for disabled populations, undergraduate and gradu-ate education recognition subcommittee, educator of the year award subcommittee, executive council of the NSCA certification commission, research, and education committee). In addition, Mike served as an abstract, scholarship, and grant reviewer for the NSCA as well as a reviewer, editorial board member, and/or associate editor on multiple journals, including the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research and the Strength and Conditioning Journal. In addition, Mike received numerous departmental, college, university, and professional awards and fellowships throughout his career in recognition for his teaching, scholarship, and service. He was a fellow of the International Society of Sport Nutrition, the American College of Sports Medicine, and he was very proud to also be a fellow of the National Strength and Conditioning Association and to have received the NSCA Educator of the Year Award in 2004. Dr. Mike Greenwood’s dedication to teaching, scholarship, and service will live on through the thousands of lives he has positively influenced throughout his career.

Award Eligibility

70 years of age or older, or posthumous
Nominee does not have to be a current or past member of the NSCA
Individuals must be nominated by a current member of the Board of Directors but recommendations may be submitted to the Board by any current member of the Association
Nominations must be accompanied by a brief supporting statement regarding the nominee’s qualifications for consideration for the award
Nominations and recommendations must be received by December 15 to be considered for the following year’s award

Past Award Recipients Include:

2021 - Louie Simmons  
2020 - Michael H. Stone, PhD, CSCS, FNSCA  Triplett and Stone Career Achievement Award
2019 - Dr. Thomas R. Baechle, CSCS,*D (R), NSCA-CPT,*D (R)  Baechle and Triplett
2018 - Mel Siff, PhD Given posthumously
2017 - Terry Todd, PhD  Haff and Todd
2016 - Donald Chu, PhD, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, FNSCA  Haff and Chu
2015 - Gayle Hatch  Fleck and Hatch
2014 - Dr. Tudor Bompa, PhD  Fleck and Bompa
2013 - Thomas DeLorme, PhD  
2007 - John Patrick O’Shea, PhD  
2004 - Edmund J. Burke, PhD, CSCS  
2000 - John Grimek  
1995 - John Terpak, Sr.  
1993 - Peary Rader  
1987 - Bob Hoffman  
1986 - Alvin Roy  
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