NSCA has a network of volunteer leaders who direct NSCA’s efforts at the state level. NSCA’s Southeast Regional Coordinator provides oversight and training to local state directors. Members in the Southeast Region can connect to other professionals in this area at local and regional events as well as on Facebook.
Alabama |
Florida |
Georgia |
Mississippi |
North Carolina |
South Carolina |
Tennessee |
Puerto Rico |
US Virgin Islands |
The NSCA hosts state, regional, and provincial events throughout the year.
The Southeast Region has its own facebook page where you can join the conversation and learn what is happening in your area.
Regional Coordinator: Tom Palumbo, MS, CSCS,*D
Contact: pbo1222@gmail.com
Tom Palumbo is the former Florida and Ohio State Director for the NSCA. Palumbo has been the Human Performance Advisor for the Air Force Special Operations Command Headquarters since 2019.
State Director: Stacy Bishop, PhD, CSCS,*D
Contact: sbishop2@montevallo.edu
Stacy Bishop currently works at the University of Montevallo as an Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator of the Exercise and Nutrition Science program. Bishop is a former NCAA strength coach and is currently interested in research using cryotherapy to aid performance in baseball as well as other sports including mixed martial arts.
State Director: Dominic Rondinelli, CSCS, TSAC-F
Contact: domrondo44@gmail.com
Bio to come soon!
State Director: Greg A. Ryan, PhD, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D
Contact: gryan@piedmont.edu
Greg A. Ryan currently works as an Associate Professor of Health Sciences at Piedmont University and as Director of Sports Science for South Georgia Tormenta FC (USL1). Ryan is a former NAIA football coach (defensive line). His current line of research deals with external load and fatigue monitoring among collegiate and professional athletes, as well as body composition and performance testing with tactical athletes.
State Director: Zachary Gillen, PhD, CSCS,*D
Contact: zmg43@msstate.edu
Zachary Gillen currently works as an Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology in the Department of Kinesiology at Mississippi State University. Gillen is a former strength and conditioning coach. His current research is primarily interested in understanding how to maximize muscular strength and power adaptations across the lifespan, as well as understanding the underlying physiological responses of muscle to strength-based and power-based training.
State Director: Demetrius Bailey, MS, CSCS
Contact: djbailey912@gmail.com
Demetrius Bailey is currently a Special Operations Strength and Conditioning Specialist for Marine Forces Special Operations Command. Prior to this position, he worked in the same capacity with Air Force Special Operations Command and spent four years as a collegiate strength and conditioning coach. His interests include running gait analysis and bridging the gap between rehabilitation and performance.
State Director: Joni M. Boyd, PhD, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D
Contact: boydj@winthrop.edu
Joni M. Boyd is an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science at Winthrop University. Her main interest focuses on bridging the gap between science, practice and education in the areas of strength training and conditioning.
State Director: Vanessa Moreno, PhD, CSCS,*D
Contact: vanessa.lc.moreno@gmail.com
Vanessa Moreno is a full-time faculty member at Tennessee State University in Nashville, TN. Her main research interest is human performance, specifically post-activation potentiation. Moreno received her Bachelor's degree from Whittier College, Master's degree from California State University, Fullerton and PhD from Concordia University Chicago.
State Director: Miguel Franquiz, CSCS
Contact: yunque411@gmail.com
Miguel A. Franquiz is owner of Functional Dynamics since 1995, business dedicated, and interested in creating strength and conditioning training programs for athletes, sports medicine, and personal training clients. His business takes him to Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico for consulting and implementation of safety and prevention of injury practices while in-training, while at work, and at home.