


Researchers and Educators

Bridging the gap between science and its practical application is at the heart of the NSCA.  Join thousands of NSCA-certified research and education professionals who do this every day through the publishing of scientific insights, teaching the next generation of strength and conditioning professionals and serving within NSCA's leadership.  The NSCA needs your contribution to advance the profession.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research is the premiere research journal of the NSCA.  This monthly publication provides peer-reviewed original research and review articles, all of which are available to NSCA Members.

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Strength and Conditioning Journal

The Strength and Conditioning Journal features peer-reviewed articles for professionals working in the strength and conditioning industry with a mission to provide access to practical application of the latest research findings.  Issues distributed six times per year to NSCA Members.

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Education Recognition Program

NSCA's Education Recognition Program (ERP) is the first step in laying the foundation to ensure excellence for students in the classroom, as well as long-term professional success after graduation.  The ERP recognizes and distinguishes schools with strength and conditioning or personal training curricula that prepares students for NSCA certification exams.  The ERP consists of three separate recognitions: 1) Personal Training, 2) Strength and Conditioning, and 3) Graduate Studies.

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Grants & Scholarships

The NSCA Foundation (NSCAF) awards hundreds of thousands in research grant and scholarship dollars each year to outstanding individuals within the strength and conditioning community.  The NSCAF is one of the few foundations that fund research for master's degree students and across all levels of education and experience up to senior investigators, as well as one of the few sources that funds work in the strength and conditioning field.  Educational scholarships are available for high school and college students that fit certain criteria.

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Special Interest Groups

Engage with others who share your interests through one or more Special Interest Groups (SIGs).  From sports-specific interests to broader topics like long-term athletic development and nutrition, SIGs provide a way to connect, converse and contribute to the growth of the strength and conditioning professions.

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How to Get Published

Publishing gets your name out to the public and allows you to educate peers about what is important to you. As a professional, publishing on topics you are passionate about allows you to demonstrate your specialized knowledge, core values, ability to teach others, and ability to motivate others.

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Researcher and Educator Awards

The NSCA has 24 awards to honor current members who are helping advance the strength and conditioning profession. There are 5 annual awards and 2 special recognitions that are specifically designated for researchers and educators. Learn more about the awards and our current recipients.

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