The Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award is awarded to the coach whose influence within his or her assigned tactical (military, law enforcement, fire and rescue) setting exceeds that of peers. Achieving this influence can be the result of one or multiple coaching related accomplishments such as but not limited to measurable performance improvements or injury reduction, program creation, advancement through innovation, and other initiatives that enhance wellness, health, and performance at the local level.
Joseph "Reilly" Kelleher currently serves as the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER), Alaska. Mr. Kelleher is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator (TSAC-F) through the NSCA. Mr. Kelleher has spent the last 14 years working for the Department of Defense as a civilian. Mr. Kelleher has been at JBER Strength & Conditioning since its inception. Additionally, Mr. Kelleher attended and graduated the U.S. Army Cold Weather Orientation Course (CWOC) earning the Arctic tab, held at the Northern Warfare Center at Black Rapids, Alaska. Mr. Kelleher holds a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science with a minor in Athletic Training from Central Washington University.
View the Press Release.Current NSCA Member for 2 consecutive years |
Current coach in tactical (military, law enforcement, fire and rescue) related setting |
Must have a minimum of 5-years coaching directly related to tactical |
Current CSCS certification |
Cover letter and Resume or CV |
Additional requirements listed in the General Awards Criteria, include but not limited to, the nominee must be nominated by a member in good standing and nominees will be sent a criteria sheet to fill out that must be returned with cover letter and CV/resume before the required deadline.