The NSCA has eleven committees, each of which was established by the Board of Directors to meet the needs of the NSCA. Mission statements, members and contact information for each committee is listed below. Applications for committees are accepted from October 1 to December 15 each year.
Mission Statement: To oversee and maintain transparency throughout the awards and honors programs that recognize the outstanding achievements, impact and untiring dedication of NSCA members and individuals to the strength & conditioning, fitness, and athletic professions.
Contact the Chair: Ashley Jones, MSC, CSCS,*D, RSCC*E
Contact the Staff Liaison: Christina Templeton
Downloads: Awards and Honors Committee Guidelines (PDF)
Authority: The Board delegates sole authority to the Committee to make essential certification decisions regarding current Programs. The Committee shall function autonomously with regard to any and all undue influences in the fulfillment of its responsibilities, and shall at all times act in the best interests of certificants, consumers of services provided by certificants, and the general public. The Committee shall remain accountable to the Board for the fulfillment of its responsibilities, and the Board shall be obligated to revoke this delegation of authority if the Committee shall act or demonstrate the intent to act in a manner that jeopardizes the mission or integrity of the NSCA or its Programs.
Contact the Chair: Anthony Soika, MS, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D, RSCC
Contact the Staff Liaison: Jonathan Sagapolutele
Downloads: Establishment of the Certification Committee (PDF)
Mission Statement: The Conference Committee will focus their efforts on content and presenters for the National Conference and Personal Trainers Conference.
Contact the Chair: Morey Kolber, PhD, PD, CSCS,*D
Contact the Staff Liaison: Virginia Meier
Mission Statement: It is the mission of the NSCA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee to cultivate a collegial environment in all facets of the NSCA by increasing and retaining the membership of students and professionals who characterize diverse ethnicities, religions, race, disabilities, age, and genders through the offerings and promotion of professional development and leadership skills applicable to their specific context, practice, or career.
Contact the Chair: Gustavo Duran-Monge, CSCS
Contact the Vice Chair: Monica Taylor, PhD, CSCS
Contact the Staff Liaison: Scott Douglas
Mission Statement: Mission Statement: To promote and disseminate research and education within the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and to enhance the awareness of its members to the importance of investigating and learning the physical, behavioral, cellular, and metabolic adaptations induced by exercise training and conditioning so that they may bridge the gap between science and application.
Contact the Chair: Jason White, PhD, MS, CSCS
Contact the Vice Chair: Greggory Davis, PhD, CSCS,*D
Contact the Staff Liaison: Keith Cinea
Downloads: Education Committee Guidelines (PDF)
Mission Statement: Provides advice and counsel to the Board of Directors and National Headquarters staff on financial matters.
Contact the Chair: Disa Hatfield, PhD, CSCS,*D
Contact the Staff Liaison: Lee Madden
The Secretary/Treasurer of the Board shall sit as Chair of the Finance Committee. The Board Executive Council plus the option to add additional, temporary individual(s) constitute the Finance Committee.
Mission Statement: The Membership Committee is organized and given authority to support and give assistance to the Membership Department in areas that will directly affect member satisfaction and retention.
Contact the Chair: Christopher Powell, MS, CSCS,*D
Contact the Vice Chair: William Hanney, PhD, DPT, ATC, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT, FNSCA
Contact the Staff Liaison: Scott Douglas
Mission Statement: The purpose and only functions of the Committee are to recommend two candidates (i) for each open position on the NSCA Board of Directors, (ii) the office of the President of the NSCA, and (iii) each open position on the NSCA Nomination Committee, in accordance with these guidelines. The NSCA Nomination Committee will function independent of the NSCA Board of Directors.
The Nomination Committee is a stand alone elected committee. Per the NSCA Bylaws, the Nominations Committee functions independently of the Board of Directors. The Chair of the Nominations Committee is a member of, and elected by, the Nominations Committee, and members of the Nominations Committee are elected by the membership of the NSCA. See NSCA Bylaws for full description.
The Board of Directors and Nomination Committee application period is from October 1 to the first business day of December annually.
Contact the Chair: Scott Caulfield, MA, CSCS,*D, RSCC*D
Contact the Staff Liaison: Lee Madden
Downloads: Nomination Committee Handbook (PDF)
Mission Statement: To promote and disseminate research within the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and to enhance the awareness of its members to the importance of investigating the physical, cellular, and metabolic adaptations induced by resistance training and conditioning so that they may bridge the gap between science and application.
Contact the Chair: David Hooper, CSCS,*D
Contact the Staff Liaison: Keith Cinea
Downloads: NSCA Research Committee Application Checklist (PDF)
Mission Statement: The NSCA SPD Program plays a key role in helping members and potential members make connections. They help connect members of the NSCA through clinics, volunteerism, and as mentors. SPDs help professionals from every aspect of the strength and conditioning field connect with each other — coaches, personal trainers, researchers, etc. State/Provincial Directors (SPDs) provide goals and direction to their Advisory Boards (ABs) and report to their Regional Coordinators (RCs). SPDs are part of NSCA’s volunteer network, sharing successes and opportunities with other SPDs and the staff of the NSCA.
Contact the Chair: Rachel Larson, PhD, CSCS,*D, TSAC-F,*D
Contact the Vice Chair: Catherine King, MS, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPD,*D
Contact the Staff Liaison: Scott Douglas
Mission Statement: The purpose of the Women's Committee is to encourage and promote the strength training & conditioning profession for women, in accordance to the NSCA mission and bylaws. The committee will coordinate, monitor, and advocate action to increase the participation of women within the organization, by providing a forum for discussion of current issues and dissemination of information.
Contact the Chair: Sara Terrell, PhD, CSCS,*D
Contact the Vice Chair: Alicia Watson, CSCS
Contact the Staff Liaison: Mary-Clare Brennan